Meet IPU at Data Centre World – 15-16 March 2017
Data Centre World is back and will once again feature its very own data centre. The full-scale exhibit showcases products and solutions in a real world scenario. It also allows you to get hands-on with the latest data centre equipment. IPU will be on the stand to explain the importance of fuel maintenance and how a Diesel Defence Fuel Polishing unit can help your data centre stay online.
What is the Live Green Data Centre?
CloserStill Media have constructed the ultimate data centre. The 2017 edition is also 1.5 times larger than its 2016 predecessor! It will include:
- Fire detection
- Loadbanks
- Switchgear
- Fuel polishing
- Cabling
- Data centre infrastructure management
- UPS/Gensets
- Fuel tanks
- Physical security
- And much more…
Why worry about fuel conditioning?
Do you know how long you’ve had your diesel for? A year? 5 years? 10 years?
Clean fuel is critical to the reliability of backup generators, but not many organisations realise that diesel actually has a shelf life. If the condition of fuel is ignored it could put critical systems at risk in the event of a blackout. What would be the cost to your data centre if the generators don’t kick in? Loss of revenue? Or worse, damage to your reputation?
Fuel presentation
Doug Campbell, Fuel Conditioning Division Director will be hosting a 10 minute talk about the threat of contaminated fuel to Data Centre up-time. He will also advise you on the steps you can take to protect your organisation. Don’t miss out your Data Centre’s future could be on the line!
Green Live Data Centre Theatre
Wednesday 15th March
14:45 – 14:55
Thankfully with a little help from IPU’s Fuel Conditioning Programme, diesel degradation is entirely preventable. Please use this link to find out how it could safeguard your business.
Visit the Data Centre World Green Data Centre for your chance to win £2,500!
Simply travel through the DCW Green Data Centre and complete a short competition entry form to enter the prize draw for £2,500!